
Ben Carson Says Black Voters Are No Longer ‘Just Following Ideology’ As Many Move From Dem Party

(Screenshot/Fox News/"Jesse Watters Primetime")

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson said Wednesday that black voters are no longer “just following ideology” as many are reportedly moving away from the Democratic Party ahead of the 2024 elections.

Carson appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss recent polls showing that former President Donald Trump is competing with, and in some cases leading, Biden for many key voting blocs for the Democratic party. Fox host Jesse Watters called out the “loyalty” that black voters have had over the years to the Democrats, questioning Carson as to why he believes the group is appearing to shift. (RELATED: Biden Team Reportedly In Denial About President Getting Trounced In Polls By Trump)

“I think they’re looking out for their own self interest. There comes a point where things have gotten so bad that you have to reassess what you normally do. Why are things this bad? And they are finally having a look at actual policies rather than just following ideology. The same thing with the young people,” Carson stated.

“I have been going to a lot of campuses in conjunction with Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA. Young people are thirsting for truth in a direction that will allow them to realize the American dream. They realized that the American dream is fading away. Not philosophically, but in practicality because of the incredibly crazy policies that are going on right now. And you don’t have to be very bright to see that.”

In the most recent poll released this week by New York Times/Siena College Trump is now appearing to lead Biden in a head to head match within five of the six major swing states — Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania — with Biden only leading in the battleground state of Wisconsin. Major voting such as young voters, black voters, and hispanics were found to be wanting fundamental changes to the U.S.’ society, with data showing that few believe Biden would be up for the job if reelected in November, according to The New York Times.

Data from the poll shows that Trump could be potentially winning over 20% of the black vote, which would be the highest level from the key voting bloc for Republicans since the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the outlet reported. Additionally, both Trump and Biden are estimated with a tie between voters 18 to 29 years old, as well as with hispanics.