
‘All The Cringe You Can Stand’: ‘The Simpsons’ Bizarre ‘Political Propaganda’ Song Leaves Viewers Baffled

Sceenshot/Twitter/The Simpsons

Leena Nasir Entertainment Reporter
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“The Simpsons” debuted a new song called “Little EU” during their May 13th episode, and fans are already hating on it.

The show has steadily been declining in popularity, and it’s quite possible that this cringey new song will put the nail in the coffin of this once-beloved program. “If you were worried because modern politicians had emptied the National Cringe Reserve, the Simpsons came in to fill it back up with all the cringe you can stand without collapsing into a cringe black hole,” Daddy Warpig wrote to social media. Fans wasted no time echoing his thoughts.

The song took a hard stand about not needing to tip European restaurant staff, with anti-tipping lyrics that included, “Just costs base rate, what a world/ Europe king, and here is why: Only pay for what you buy/ Flat price!”

Bart and Lisa joined in as the political messaging continued.

“In Europe, servers are paid a living wage/ Instead of having to rely on tips/ Which also reduces income disparity/ Between front and back-of-house staff/ It’s mad sexy, equitable!”

“The Simpsons” tooted their own horn by calling this “the song of the summer,” but the general public thought otherwise.

People from across the world wrote in with comments such as, “Jesus, just give that show the ol’ Yeller treatment.”

Another social media user said, “Coinciding with Eurovision I get but this really shows the advantage South Park has when it comes to pop/cultural references. Simpsons, sadly, can’t keep up with the on-demand pace of information, though that’s not their only problem.”

“I’m confused, the Simpsons is still supposed to be a comedy show right? That was painfully unfunny and was so cringe it means we have enough to supply the rest of the world after refilling the cringe reserve,” said another internet user.

“Simpsons needs to be cancelled,” another fed-up person said. (RELATED: ‘Times Have Changed’: Homer Simpson Lets Go Of One Of His Oldest Traditions)

The political preaching was a huge turn-off, and the internet voted this to be another low point for the show, leaving them with very little reason to tune back in.