
Cuomo Guest Rips NYC Mayor’s Comments To Illegal Migrants As ‘Slap In The Face’ For Sworn In Citizens


Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former FBI special agent Stuart Kaplan ripped Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ comments to illegal migrants Wednesday on NewsNation calling it a “slap in the face” for sworn-in citizens.

Kapalan appeared on “Cuomo” to discuss Adams’ recent comments in which he stated that migrants would be able to solve the city’s shortage of lifeguards because they’re “excellent swimmers.” Following a clip of the NYC mayor relaying his comments, NewsNation host Chris Cuomo questioned Kaplan on his take and what it is about the U.S.’ “level of politics.” (RELATED: NYC Mayor Says Migrants Can Help Lifeguard Shortage Because They’re ‘Excellent Swimmers’)

“I’m all for immigration, this is the greatest country on the planet,” Kaplan said. “I think my biggest comment is it’s such a slap in the face to those individuals who have followed the letter of the law, who have waited five, six, seven, eight years to get through the application process and to be sworn in as a United States citizen. I can tell you personally, I know individuals, they cry, they kiss the ground that they walk on. They are blessed and feel part of this community, part of our nature and nation.”

“They are so happy,” he went on. “They join the armed forces. They join our military, our law enforcement community, our hospitals — every walk of life. That is one thing that I think it’s disrespectful to those people that follow the rule of law.”

“The other thing is, I don’t have any problem with respect to people being properly vetted and coming in temporarily and contributing to our society,” Kaplan continued. “Unfortunately, what the government has failed to control — there is an element of individuals that are coming from various countries that had been let out of their jails and in a way to release or decrease the tension there, and now their problem childs’ have become our bigger problems. We have enough problems here in the United States. We don’t need to adopt other issues and that’s where I think the problem is.”

“One last thing — you talk to a mother or father who [have] children in the public school system. You talk to people that have to go to the emergency room and the wait is 12, 14, 24 hours to go see a doctor. Or to be in a school where the class capacity should be 30 —”

“Because it’s jammed with migrants,” Cuomo jumped in.

“And that is correct. So where is the balancing? We don’t have the infrastructure to support these people,” Kaplan stated.

Since the upswing in illegal crossing through the U.S.’ southern border, NYC began to feel the effects as an influx of migrants were sent to the sanctuary city from Texas. Residents have vocalized that the influx has decreased the quality of life within the city due to rising crime and the migrant crisis.

A poll conducted by the Citizens Budget Commission found that roughly 30% of New Yorkers currently believe their quality of life in the democratic city is “excellent” or “good,” comparatively to 50% who stated the same during 2017 and 2008.