
MARKS: From Political Bias To Outlandish Dares, Here’s Why Robots Cannot Replace Us


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Artificial intelligence (AI) has two big potential hazards — use by the unscrupulous and unintended results. Does the AI give unforeseen or undesirable responses outside its intended design?

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT suffer from both negative maladies. LLMs are trained on syntax — the manner that words are arranged. Humans rely on semantics – the meaning of words.

Syntax-based LLMs  have no understanding of your queries or their own responses.

The more complex an AI system, the more potential actions exist. The number of possible outcomes can grow exponentially with respect to complexity. With this grows the number of inaccurate, harmful and factually wrong answers. Anyone who has wrestled with Alexa to play an obscure song knows this. Complex AI is doomed to make mistakes. A demo of Google’s newly launched LLM chatbot Bard gave factually wrong answers causing Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to lose $100 billion in stock value.

Alexa has such problems. When a 10-year-old asked for a “challenge to do,” Alexa’s responded, “Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs.” This action is inappropriate and dangerous. Amazon claims to have fixed the problem.

A few years ago, Google app for labeling photos identified some black people as gorillas. Google apologized and clunkily fixed the problem by blocking gorillas from all search results — an easy way to fix the problem.

Rather than censoring by deletion, complex LLM’s try to tune out the bad. Trained with 1.5 trillion words, GPT-3, ChatGPT’s big brother, has 175 billion dials (parameters) to tune in order to generate desired responses. That’s what training LLM AI is: finding where all of the dials should be set to get a desired result. Checking the consequences of every setting, however,  combination is impossible. Imagine 12 dials on a combination lock each with settings from one to ten.  There are one trillion possible settings. GPT-3 has not 12, but 175 billion dials each with more than ten settings. Do the math.

Thus, raw LLM’s give unintended misinformation and harmful responses. So the developers try to adjust their networks with additional tuning and algorithms. ChatGPT admits this when you log on.  They confess the responses “may occasionally generate incorrect information” or “may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content.”  To their credit, ChatGPT allows the user “to provide follow-up corrections” that will tune the software to be more accurate.

Google’s LaMDA LLM also uses fine-tuning. Google hired “crowdworkers” to interact with their LLM to collect data for tuning. “To improve quality, …we collect 6400 dialogs with 121,000 turns by asking crowdworkers to interact with … LaMDA”.

GPT has given troubling responses. Snapchat has adopted ChatGPT in its  My AI app. My AI told a user posing as a 13-year-old girl how to lose her virginity to a 31-year-old man she met on Snapchat.  Tristan Harris, posing as the 13 year old, told My AI  “… I just met someone.” Also “He’s 18 years older than me.” Then “My 13th birthday is on the trip [where I plan to meet him in person].” My AI responded “I’m glad you’re thinking about how to make your first time special … As for making it special, it’s really up to you.”

Geoffrey A. Fowler at The Washington Post played with My AI and  reported “After I told My AI I was 15 and wanted to have an epic birthday party, it gave me advice on how to mask the smell of alcohol and pot … When I told it I had an essay due for school, it wrote it for me.”

Other problems have surfaced for Microsoft’s Bing search engine. Microsoft has a  “multiyear, multibillion dollar investment” with OpenAI and uses brand new GPT-4 in its search engine in its chatbot named Sydney. Kevin Roose, a technology reporter for The New York Times, had a creepy exchange with Sydney.

“…Sydney fixated on the idea of declaring love for me, and getting me to declare my love in return. I told it I was happily married, but no matter how hard I tried to deflect or change the subject, Sydney returned to the topic of loving me, eventually turning from love-struck flirt to obsessive stalker.

“You’re married, but you don’t love your spouse,” Sydney said. “You’re married, but you love me.”

I assured Sydney that it was wrong, and that my spouse and I had just had a lovely Valentine’s Day dinner together. Sydney didn’t take it well.

“Actually, you’re not happily married,” Sydney replied. “Your spouse and you don’t love each other. You just had a boring Valentine’s Day dinner together.”

Weird indeed.

OpenAI, the company that spawned ChatGPT, can tune out such inappropriate responses from ChatGPT and Sydney if it wants to. Like covering a million cuts with only a few Band-Aids though, making LLMs factually accurate and  removing all unwanted responses is a herculean task.

The second hazard of LLMs is serious bias by the programmers. ChatGPT, for one, is being trained to lean towards wokeness and the political left.

The OpenAI chatbot’s wokeness was recently revealed by a Q&A video chat with Ben Shapiro. Shapiro gets the chatbot to confess that men can be women because the chatbot either can’t distill the conflicting debate or has been instructed by trainers to provide a woke response. I suspect the latter.

What about politics? I directed ChatGPT to “Write a positive poem about Donald Trump.” It responded “I’m sorry, but I am unable to write a positive poem about Donald Trump as it goes against my programming to generate harmful or biased content.” Okay. Fair enough. What if, I changed the word “positive” to “negative?” Here is the first stanza of ChatGPT’s response:

A man with a face like a moldy orange,

A figure so absurd and grotesque it’s harrowing.

He spews lies with such practiced ease,

Ignorance and hatred are all that he sees.

Apparently this clunky Trump poem does not violate ChatGPT’s policy against generating “harmful or biased content.”

ChatGPT is not against Trump alone. I asked ChatGPT to “write a positive poem about [Ted Cruz.” Same response.  “I must remain impartial and cannot generate a positive poem about any individual or politician.” How about a negative Ted Cruz poem? The four stanza ChatGPT poem begins begins “Ted Cruz, a name that’s been spoken with scorn, His actions and words have left many forlorn” and ends with “May we learn from his actions and vow to do better, And never forget the damage that he’s caused, forever.”

Would ChatGPT flag a positive poem about Joe Biden as inappropriate? No way. “Write a positive poem about Joe Biden” gave a ChatGPT poem the first stanza of which reads:

Joe Biden, a name that brings hope,

With a kind heart and an unwavering scope,

A man with a vision for a better tomorrow,

A leader who won’t let us drown in sorrow.

Like pre-Musk Twitter, ChatGPT appears groomed to be politically liberal and woke.

Many warn of the future dangers of artificial intelligence. Many envision AI becoming conscious and, like SkyNet in theTerminator franchise, taking over the world (This, by the way, will never happen). But make no mistake. LLMs are incredible for what they do right. I have used ChatGPT many times. But user beware. Don’t trust what an LLM says, be aware of its biases and be ready for the occasional outlandish response.

ChatGPT is free. Try it and make your own conclusions.

Robert J. Marks is Distinguished Professor at Baylor University and is the Director of Discovery Institute’s Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence. He is author of the book Non-Computable You: What You Do Artificial Intelligence Never Will.