
Athletics Move One Step Closer To Las Vegas Relocation After Proposed Ballot Initiative Over Funds Struck Down: REPORT

REUTERS/Darryl Webb

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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The A’s are that much closer to Sin City — and this is courtesy of the Nevada Supreme Court.

The court struck down a proposed ballot initiative Monday that would’ve put the Oakland Athletics‘ public funding from Nevada on the 2024 ballot, giving taxpayers the power to decide whether to keep the funding in place or take it away, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Lawmakers previously agreed to give funding to A’s owner John Fisher. (RELATED: Was The No-Hitter All A Sham? Astros’ Ronel Blanco Ejected From Game Over Sticky Substance, Faces 10-Game Suspension)

But it wasn’t just the Nevada Supreme Court, a lower court had also turned down the ballot initiative, and on top of that, the Supreme Court backed them up by upholding their decision. As a result, the energy has been deflated on the side of the people who wanted a vote to halt the $380 million of tax dollars being used for a Las Vegas Strip stadium.

Schools Over Stadiums, a political action committee that is battling the A’s public funding, aren’t giving up, though. They plan on fighting to get the initiative on the 2026 ballot, which would be voted on prior to the stadium being done.

As much as I wanna see a baseball team in Vegas, I’m with Schools Over Stadiums on this one … let the people vote.