The Mirror

Evening Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“OMG! This is so sad!”

— Entertainment blogger Perez Hilton on the impending split of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

Confessional: BuzzFeed legal editor links Supreme Court ruling with his sobriety

Geidner confessional

Ex-D.C. journalist has heart issue 

“So, life gave me the old kick in the balls today. I’ll have to move back to Europe next week to have my heart taken care of. The cardiologist thinks it’s just too risky for me to stay here right now. I’ve had long bouts of irregular heartbeats for the last six weeks, plus that stay in the ICU, a resting hear rate of 140 for long stretches of time and there are some structural issues, too. Pro Tip: When the cardiologist does an ultrasound of your heart and repeatedly mumbles to himself: “This isn’t good” then it’s not good. Quite the bummer. If anybody has a spare heart, I’m in the market.” — Klaus Marre, formerly of The Hill and The Daily Caller.

BuzzFeed reporter takes Jennifer Garner’s side

“Love that Jennifer Garner is trending and Ben Affleck isn’t, TBH.” — Ellie Hall, BuzzFeed.

And a HuffPost reporter links to the SCOTUS ruling 

“For anyone who doubted that same-sex marriage would destroy everything, just look at what happened to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.” — HuffPost senior political reporter Amanda Terkel.


“I’ve now anonymously appeared as someone’s anecdotal lede twice in the last year. It’s flattering and fun and weird at the same time.” — Gabriel Snyder, editor-in-chief of The New Republic. When Twitter followers asked for links, he replied, “Sorry, then it wouldn’t be anonymous.”

This reporter is just begging to be on Trump’s shit list 

“It’s pretty amazing that despite knowing the Trump presidential run would be a hilarious train wreck, it’s already managed to be this awful.” — Jacob Fischler, BuzzFeed political reporter.

Journo wants to ban air conditioning 

“If I ever rule the world the #1 first thing I’m doing is banning all air conditioning.” — Taylor Lorenz, freelance editor, Daily Mail.

Editor really wants coffee 

“If I had a cup of coffee big enough to sit in, would that help?” — Stephen Green, Denver editor, PJ Media.

The Observer

“The whole internet! ‘To work at The Huffington Post is to run a race without a finish line, at a clip that is forever quickening.'” — David Plotz, CEO of Atlas Obscura, former editor at Slate.

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