Washington Gadfly

Communists Join GOP Establishment Types In Urging Party To Reject Trump

Evan Gahr Investigative Journalist
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The Communist Party USA — yes, it still exists — has officially joined the bi-partisan Donald Trump circle jerk.

In an email yesterday titled, “Tell the GOP To Dump Trump”, social media coordinator Joe Sims told subscribers that, “some in the GOP are moving away from his campaign particularly in foreign policy and security circles reflecting an important split within the ruling class.”

He was probably referring to the August 8 open letter attacking Trump signed by 50 GOP national security establishment types, including two George W. Bush former DHS secretaries,  plus ex-State and Defense Department top officials. They called the GOP nominee “dangerous” and forswear voting for him.

Washington Times reporter Rowan Scarborough noted that the signatories included, “consulting firm chief executive officers, law firm corporate advisers, lobbyists, investors and think tank analysts. They trade on their government experience and a $4 trillion federal budget to win clients and make lots of money” but worry Trump could hurt business.

The CPUSA can now exploit this rift by bringing “additional pressure to bear,” said Sims.

“Please join the call to demand the GOP leadership in Congress withdraw their support of Trump,” he wrote, linking to a Move On petition urging Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan to renounce their endorsement of Trump.”

“The wider the front against Trump’s candidacy the better,” his  email concluded, linking to party chairman John Bachtell’s article, “Could the Greens of Libertarians tip the election?”

Probably not. But more Republicans following their new fellow travelers’ exhortation to dump Trump could.

Evan Gahr