
RON HART: Hillary Slips After Trashing American Voters In India

Hillary Clinton in India AFP/Getty Images

Ron Hart Contributor
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Liberals manufacture one thing well: pious outrage. To a “progressive,” any protest, no matter the thoughtlessness of it, is a good protest. The “Resist!” movement, NFLers kneeling for the National Anthem, and now high school kids demanding we get rid of all guns are the latest simplistic, feel-good examples.

The self-proclaimed leader-in-exile of the “resistance” movement is the demure and enchanting Hillary Clinton. She recently made more angry news in India. Just when you wonder why we elected Donald Trump, Hillary resurfaces and reminds us.

The latest was her slip and falls trip to India. She was propped up like a corrupt Middle Eastern regime by Americans. It is unclear who funded the speaking trip, maybe Life Alert.

I would not mind us funding trips to faraway countries for our politicians, but the problem is that they always come back.

Presumably bankrolled by lots of Clinton Cash talkin’ money, Hillary trashed the American voters whom she called “deplorables” and “irredeemable” in India. It was another bitter tirade on why she did not get elected. She said women voted for Trump because their sexist husbands told them to. “Sexist” is what liberals call opponents when they can’t call them “racist.” Trump touches all the bases and is called both. Winning!

Hillary fractured her wrist in another accident while in the bathtub at her 5-star Mumbai luxury hotel. Indian doctors, who are almost all in America now, have told her that because of this wrist injury, she cannot wag her finger at the female American electorate for at least two weeks.

And more karma in India (I think it was invented there). We saw on film that Hillary twice slipped and fell down stairs at the ancient ruins of Mandu. Her handlers had to prop her up, “Weekend at Bernie’s”-style, after her angry speech. She was taken to the hospital. No word on where alley cat-Mandu Bill Clinton was at the time; he was probably his usual four times zones away. I bet he “felt her pain.”

Maybe I am being callous. At this trying time, our thoughts and prayers should go out to her male handlers, ambulance drivers and paramedics. I hope they are OK.

Not reported was that, when fossils were found at the ancient burial ground at Mandu, archaeologists first thought they’d stumbled upon the set of The View.

For the record, there was scant coverage about all this in the mainstream media. They were focusing on the tabloid trash accusations of Stormy Daniels against Trump from twelve years ago. It wasn’t great timing or optics when Bill Clinton was alone when his wife was injured in India while the media moralized about adultery and Trump. Sadly, they never see their own hypocrisy.

And of course the media covered Hillary’s trip to India differently. Fox News called it “another setback” for Clinton, while CNN and MSNBC called it more evidence of Trump collusion with Russia.

Unless libs manufacture victims — the key Democrat voting demographic, after all — they do not get elected. Hillary said about Republicans, “You didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting, you know, getting jobs.” And really playing to the Indian crowd she said, “You don’t want, you know, to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are.” I guess she doesn’t see Republicans like governors of Southern states Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley (now Trump’s UN Ambassador). Can you name higher ranking Indian-Americans in Democrat administrations? There is no smarter or stronger leader than Nikki Haley. Democrats have virtually no Indian leaders — unless, of course, you count Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren.

Nor does Hillary remember that Republicans passed the 19th Amendment (after it was defeated four times by a Democrat-controlled Senate), that blacks were freed by Republican Abraham Lincoln, and that Civil Rights legislation was passed by Republicans over Democrats’ objections in the 1960s. I guess they don’t teach that at Wellesley and Yale.

Democrats have to keep their followers outraged so their lot in life never gets better and so they do not lose interest in protesting and “resisting.” Over a year ago, they were all outraged at Chick-fil-A’s owner’s religious beliefs and turned their mighty disruptive ire toward the chain. Their protests were effective; just look what they did to Chick-fil-A. They shut the restaurants down — every Sunday.

A libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, Ron appears on CNN and Fox. He can be contacted at Ron@RonaldHart.com or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

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