
Arizona Republic Publishes Cartoon Showing Martha McSally Getting Shot Down

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Amber Athey Podcast Columnist
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The Arizona Republic published a cartoon on Friday depicting Democratic Arizona Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema shooting down Republican Rep. Martha McSally’s plane.

McSally was the first female pilot to fly in combat in the U.S. Air Force.

The cartoon shows Sinema, holding a rocket launcher, shooting down McSally’s plane with the caption “reason not treason.”

Sinema’s rocket launcher has “substance” written on the side, McSally’s plane reads, “shallow attacks.”

The Federalists’ Ben Domenech called the cartoon “shameful.”

NRA TV’s Cameron Gray mocked the idea that Sinema is the candidate with “substance.” (RELATED: Kyrsten Sinema: ‘I Don’t Care’ If Americans Want To Join Taliban)

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