
Waters accuses Ethics of having weak case after calling off her trial

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Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) accused the ethics committee of having a weak case that is unraveling after the panel abruptly canceled her upcoming public trial.

“The committee’s decision to cancel the hearing and put it off indefinitely demonstrates that the committee does not have a strong case and would not be able to prove any violation has occurred,” she said in a lengthy statement reacting to Friday’s announcement.

She also said she was disappointed the committee once again postponed the hearing and said it showed “a complete disregard for due process and fairness.”

“For over a year, I have cooperated with the investigation and I have consistently asked for a public hearing on this matter,” she said. “I remain eager to present my case and demonstrate to my constituents and all Americans that I have not violated any House rules.”

Full Story: Waters accuses Ethics of having weak case after calling off her trial – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room