Human cheese: Sustainable or sick?

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Miriam Simun is making human cheese from the breast milk of women she found online. Would you eat it?

The project has stirred earnest interest as well as disgust. Ms. Simun, a New Yorker, says her human cheese raises questions of sustainability, biotechnology, veganism and its polar opposite, cannibalism.

“Human Cheese is in a particularly interesting place – eating human milk after you are a baby, especially from someone other than your mother, is such a huge taboo – and yet, human milk is arguably the most natural food in the world. Certainly milk meant for other animal’s babies is kind of strange. Unnatural?”

Ms. Simun found her raw materials on an online marketplace where women sell and donate their milk. One woman was a local who was overproducing and didn’t want the milk to go to waste; another shipped hers in ice from Wisconsin.

Full Story: Human cheese: Sustainable or sick? – The Globe and Mail.