The Mirror

5 Dumbest Tweets of the Week

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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For this week dunces, we have a special pre-Thanksgiving edition.

5. “So a woman walked into the diner with a menorah on her head. Cool enough. Then waitress shouted, “Birthday candles! Happy Birthday!” Cooler” — National Journal‘s serial tweeter and sometimes national correspondent Ron Fournier.

4. “Hi world.” — Washington Examiner‘s online editor Justin Green, who has made this list (albeit sometimes purposefully) three weeks in a row.

3. “The Turkeys’ favorite songs are by @LadyGaga and @Beyonce, both big supporters of Obama. Coincidence? You decide.” — U.S. News & Word Report‘s “gossip” reporter Nikki Schwab.

2. Following up on Schwab’s dumb tweet is equally dumb Ben Freed of Washingtonian, who writes, “Those songs are also four years old. I thought this was supposed to be a modern presidency.” Seriously, Freed, don’t you have work to do over there?

1. “Can’t wait to dig into Dec @washingtonian on the plane! It took some self control to wait this long.” — Anna Medaris, associate editor of APA Monitor. In this issue you’ll get sucked into their holiday gift guide, see who they picked as the 100 Best lawyers in Washington and find out how to rid yourself of those pesky cellulite dimples on your hips and thighs. Good job Garrett Graff!