The Mirror

10 Journalists With Fake Names

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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As of late, the number of journalists going with names and bylines that aren’t their actual birth names is blowing up. Since when is journalism an industry that requires a stage name?

10. Tabitha Hale, Rare. Too good to be true, right? Her real name cannot be disclosed for alleged safety reasons.

9. Mediaite White House Correspondent Tommy Christopher, whose real name is allegedly Thomas McNulty but has also been confused for Thomas Eric Beller. He gets pretty cranky when anyone calls him out on this.

8. Tommy McFly, radio host of 94.7 Fresh FM, Washington, D.C. His real name is Thomas Pavlick.

7. Brokey McPoverty, staff writer, BuzzFeed. Her real name is Tracy Clayton.

6. Marky Mark, the “DC Celebrity” paparazzi photographer, whose real name is Mark Wilkins.

5. The Daily Show‘s Jon Stewart, whose real name is Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz.

4. The Washington Free Beacon‘s Managing Editor Sonny Bunch, whose real name is Lewis Allen Bunch. Sonny is a nickname.

3. The Daily Caller‘s own Jim Treacher, a blogger whose real name is Sean Medlock.

2. Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, who was born Gerald Michael Riviera.

1. Mediaite‘s Jon Nicosia, who over the weekend wrote a startling confessional revealing that he is a convicted felon who uses a new name to represent his new life after crime. His real name is Zachary Hildreth. Just to give you a taste, his lede: “My given name is Zachary Hildreth, but most people in the media world know me as Jon Nicosia. I am currently the managing editor of I am also a convicted felon.” So there are reasons one might prefer a pen name.