The Mirror

Afternoon Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“No but for real, why don’t flaks respond to requests for comment? Do they think we won’t write the story anyway?” Minutes later: “Aaaand like clockwork, flak response comes within minutes of twitter bitching.”

BuzzFeed D.C. Bureau Chief John Stanton.

NYT reporter says its hard to not see Daily Show sketches in Baltimore coverage 

“Hard for even smart well-meaning people in TV to avoid looking as if they’re playing Daily Show sketch in situations like Baltimore tonight.” — NYT and CNBC’s John Harwood (not “Hardwood,” which is how I originally spelled his surname today).

On Touré reporting from ground zero in Baltimore…

“What Baltimore needs, now more than ever, is a man with no last name.” — A  source-friend emailed into to The Mirror Tuesday.

Cable news panting about the Baltimore curfew

“Cable news is counting down the time until the Baltimore curfew.” — Alyssa Canobbio, media analyst at Washington Free Beacon.

The following was sent in by “a dedicated fan” of The Mirror. And yes, it is a PARODY. 

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Somehow I’ve reached the pinnacle of my career

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Convo among D.C. political types 

Tina Daunt: “WH state dinner pool report: Shinzo Abe says he’s a ‘hard-core fan’ of @HouseofCards.”

WaPo‘s Chris Cillizza: “Barf.”

CNN Commentator Paul Begala: “I guess it’s not dinner with the Japanese PM until someone throws up.”

IJR’s Benny Johnson finds touching moment in Baltimore

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