The Mirror

Evening Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“That moment when you finally put to bed one of those articles you’ve been wrestling with for months.”

Noah Shachtman, executive editor, The Daily Beast.

Headline of the Day (from the New York Post):

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Overheard in the Newsroom

“Maybe I should unfollow the Holocaust Museum.” — Anonymous.

Elise Foley weighs in on men’s fashion 

“There are some difficult things about being a woman, but at least I never have to wear a suit when it’s 90 degrees outside.” — HuffPost‘s Elise Foley.

The Media Critic 

“Right now @CNN’s Jeff Zucker is stroking a white cat as he brainstorms a way to create a race riot during the Charleston funerals.” — Breitbart NewsJohn Nolte.

Journalism prof drinks at the Algonquin Hotel

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“My first (and only) $20 martini. What else would I order at The Algonquin Hotel? Meet the Dorothy…” — Jennifer Moore, soon-to-be assistant professor of journalism at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

NBC consulted Roger Ailes for WHAT? 

“Here’s something else the network especially couldn’t say: Fox News chief Roger Ailes, Journalism-with-a-J’s ultimate dark angel as well as the most successful man in television news, had been consulted about Williams-affair strategy.” — Michael Wolff in the July 3rd issue of The Hollywood Reporter on why Brian Williams will be good for MSNBC. Read the full story here.

Watch WaPo race reporter… Wesley Lowery eat Pizza Hut’s hot dog-crusted pizza. Or not.  Just giving you the option. There’s gotta be something related to Ferguson here, right?

Was Ben Smith the victim of a potential scam? 

“Tonight, someone who I met here in DC tried to scam me out of thousands of dollars. I am glad that my parents’ teachings and my work in journalism allowed me to spot the fake.
I am usually forgiving, but this one is different. After ingratiating themselves in my life for the past few months I have to cut off a rather enjoyable friendship.
People suck.” — Washington Examiner‘s social media guru Ben Smith.

NPR gets a nod from a Cape Cod bookstore 

“OH in Cape Cod bookstore: do you have the @nprbooks summer reading list? Reply was: you know, we should just start an @NPR section.” — Tayla Burney, radio producer, Kojo Nnamdi show.

On the issue of removing the Confederate flag…

“In my humble opinion, politicians finally mustering up the political courage to call for the removal of a flag that symbolizes racism, slavery, treason, Jim Crow, terrorism, and the unraveling of the U.S.A, shouldn’t be patted on the back.” — Doug Thornell, senior veep, SKDKnickerbocker.