
RUBIO: Iran Deal ‘Guarantees There Will Be An Arms Race In The Middle East’ [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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2016 Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday on “State of the Union” if he were elected president, he would, “not use the national security waiver to hold back sanctions against Iran.”

Rubio stated that the nuclear deal orchestrated by President Obama not only forces the United States to “help Iran,” bust also guarantees a nuclear arms race will now take place in the Middle East.

RUBIO: I think that the sanctions are actually forcing Iran to the table. I think we should have asked for a lot more… This deal violates promises the president made to the American people on multiple fronts. It is not an anytime, anywhere inspection system. It is an inspection system that will require arbitration over a 24-day period or longer that Iran can fight against and delay things. It actually doesn’t have a snap-back provision…

It also by the way requires us to help Iran, technically, economically, developing themselves as a country to become a strong regional power. That undermines our relationship with our Arab allies and of course the state of Israel. We could spend all day going through the different dynamics of this deal, that doesn’t go far enough, and that I think now guarantees there will be an arms race in the Middle East.

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