FBI Arrests Cliven Bundy; Final Oregon Militiamen Surrender

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Cliven Bundy — the father of jailed Oregon protesters Ammon and Ryan Bundy — was arrested by the FBI Wednesday night.

After flying into Portland International Airport from Las Vegas, agents took the 74-year-old rancher into custody but declined to give a reason for his arrest. (RELATED: Murky Accounts, Hearsay Swirl Around FBI’s Shooting Of Oregon Militiaman)

Bundy was booked at Multnomah County Jail just before 11:00 pm, and shortly after, FBI agents forced the last four holdouts at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to surrender, “by hemming them in with armored vehicles,” reports USA Today.

“We reached a point where it became necessary to take action in a way that best ensured the safety of those on the refuge,” special agent Greg Bretzing said of Wednesday’s development.

The senior Bundy was the subject of a 2014 dispute with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which claims he owes over $1 million in illegal grazing fees in addition to a charge of conspiracy to interfere with a federal officer and weapons charges.

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