
Lena Dunham Posts Topless Selfie Online Following Award Show

Katie Jerkovich Entertainment Reporter
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Lena Dunham posted a topless photo online following a fashion awards show in New York City.

On Monday night, the 30-year-old actress after the Council of Fashion Designer awards show, posted on her Instagram account a picture of her wearing nothing but a necklace. She also placed a four-leaf clover over her nipple to comply with the sites rules. The caption next to the photo read, “The necklace in its natural habitat,” she wrote. “Good evening.” (RELATED: Lena Dunham: Women Apologize Too Much)


the necklace in its natural habitat. good evening!

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

The “Girls” star is known for stripping down. Most recently it was for a photo shoot to promote her HBO show. Another time it was part of a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood.