
‘League Of Angry White Guys’ — ‘Morning Joe’ Panel Goes After Trump’s Base [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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The “Morning Joe” panel claimed that the recent polls — showing Donald Trump considerably trailing Hillary Clinton — show that this will “probably” be the last election where a candidate only chases the votes of the “league of angry white guys.”

“Can we all agree this would probably be the last time that you think you can become elected president of the United States by only speaking to the league of angry white guys?” MSNBC contributor Mike Lupica asked the group.

“Yeah, I agree with you, Mike,” added fellow contributor Victoria DeFrancesco Soto.

“Then they’ll continue to go down the rabbit hole,” Lupica continued.

Guest host Mike Barnicle agreed with Lupica “at the presidential level.”

“When I was asking why it took so long for people to sort of say, you know what, Trump doesn’t work on the Republican side, why didn’t when he kind of insulted the entire Latino population, why didn’t it stop there?” host Mika Brzezinski asked Michael Steele.

“That was the defining moment that was missed,” the former RNC chair responded. “You had an autopsy you could have put in front of Donald Trump… that didn’t happen, and Donald Trump took advantage of it.”

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