
CNN Guest: If Fareed Zakaria ‘Could Have Sex’ With Trump’s Airstrike, ‘I Think He Would Do It’ [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Jeremy Scahill blasted the media’s coverage of President Trump’s Syrian airstrike on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday.

The Intercept co-founder notably singled out CNN’s very own Fareed Zakaria, whom he joked would like to have intimate relations with any of the 50-odd tomahawk missiles that struck a Syrian airfield on Thursday night.


“Fareed Zakaria, if that guy could have sex with this cruise missile attack, I think he would do it.”

Scahill also criticized NBC News’ Brian Williams’ “true love” of the missile strike.

“The media coverage has been atrocious, and this is across the board on every network, particularly when the strike was happening,” he continued. “It’s almost like they’re in awe of the cruise missiles.”

“They absolutely love a cruise missile strike.”

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