The Mirror

Journo Welcomes Female Wrath Into His Life


Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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A former editor for The Washington Times is arguing that the current feminist rhetoric is libeling men with their talk about misogyny and rape culture.

On Sept. 9, veteran journalist Robert Stacy McCain will discuss his new contentious book in Leominster, Mass.

“Words mean things and the accusation of ‘misogyny’ – woman-hating – is being unfairly used by feminists to protect their ideology from criticism,” says McCain, author of Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature. “In recent years, we have seen an effort to censor and silence critics of feminism, including the case of a Google engineer who was fired for a memo raising questions the company’s policies.”

McCain is scheduled to give his talk at Tang Dynasty restaurant.

The luncheon is being hosted by the Worcester Tea Party, and

This obviously trashy mansigning is sure to create waves with the ladies.

They’re charging $35 a pop for a buffet meal and a copy of McCain’s book.

McCain argues that Google’s firing of Harvard grad James Damore shows that feminism has become a “totalitarian” movement that threatens free speech.

“By declaring their authority to speak on behalf of all women, feminists turn disagreement into ‘hate speech,’ and claim that anyone who criticizes them is ‘anti-woman,’” he said. “This is libel, a false accusation against men whose only crime is to disagree with a radical ideology.”
The Mirror sought comment from McCain about the upcoming event as well as his views on women and interracial marriage.
The Mirror also sought comment from Washington journalists who are familiar with his work.
“I think the guy is bad news,” said a Washington journalist. “Seems like a parody of the racist, sexist Neanderthal that the opponents want to portray all Republicans as being.”
“He’s gross,” said a female Washington writer when asked for comment. “You can disagree with feminism without being derisive about women.”
When McCain worked The Washington Times, The Mirror has learned that some female coworkers found him “funny” and others thought he was “offensive.”
McCain says Rolling Stone‘s hoax rape story at UVA is a good example of the impact that feminism has had on the media.
“All the key facts in that story were wrong, but they let it go because it fit the feminist narrative,” he said, referring to the bogus 2014 article, “A Rape on Campus,” which the magazine paid for dearly in  defamation claims. “Here was a case where an emotionally disturbed woman literally invented a rapist, ‘Haven Monahan,’ and a major magazine was willing to report that story as a fact.
“This is a very dangerous attitude,” McCain continued. “It’s not just that feminists are teaching women and men to hate each other, but they’re attacking the whole concept of truth.”

When Twitter suspended McCain in 2016 for “targeted abuse,” some in the conservative Twittersphere became irate and created a #freestacy campaign.

McCain was a political correspondent for The American Spectator from 2008 to 2012. His bio on his blog The Other McCain says he’s still a contributor.
Between 1997 and 2008 he was an editor at The Washington Times who, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, once suggested that “perfectly rational people” react with “altogether natural revulsion” to interracial marriage. He reportedly left amidst loud infighting.
He also worked for the conservative pub Human Events, but the editor deep-sixed his stories from the site after receiving information from the Souther Poverty Law Center about his proclivities for quoting and pushing the ideas of neo-Confederates.
McCain apparently has a soft spot for the late Sen. Arlen Spector (R-Pa.).
“Q: ‘Why is the weather so wonderful today?’ A: ‘Oh, that’s right. Arlen Specter is still dead,” McCain wrote on Twitter in 2012 after Specter died of cancer.