
Hillary’s New Political Group Is Now Using Her Granddaughter To Beg For Cash

Hillary Clinton Getty Images/Timothy A. Clary

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Hillary Clinton’s political group, “Onward Together,” sent out a fundraising email on Wednesday discussing Clinton’s gardening activities with her granddaughter and informing supporters that Clinton’s mood is “pretty concerned” but “okay.”

The email, ostensibly from Clinton, explains that people keep asking her how she is doing “over and over again.”

“I’m pretty concerned” “as an American,” the email says. “But as a person, I’m okay. It’s nice to be able to spend so much time at home with Bill and our dogs, and to catch up with friends I haven’t seen in a while.”

The email is titled “peas and peppers” — all lower case. The “peas and peppers” title refers to time Clinton says she is spending gardening with her granddaughter.

“It has been a joy to see so many of you during the first days of touring for ‘What Happened’ and my new children’s book, ‘It Takes a Village,'” the email says.

“Your smiles and stories warm my heart, and your promises to keep fighting inspire me,” Clinton’s email also says. “I’m looking forward to seeing many more of you over the next few weeks, across the country and even at home in our favorite independent bookstore in Chappaqua.”

The 710-word email goes on to discuss gay marriage and to lengthily advertise Color of Change, a national racial justice organization.

The highest link in Clinton’s “peas and peppers” email directs readers to a webpage which primarily exists to collect email addresses.

Onward Together webpage screenshot

Onward Together webpage screenshot

If you enter your email address, a donation page then appears. The donation page helpfully contains boxes for credit card information, phone numbers and much more.

Onward Together webpage screenshot

Onward Together webpage screenshot

Email recipients who click through to the donation page also receive an email titled “Welcome to the team!” The primary purpose of this email is to ask for money.

Clinton email photo

Clinton email photo

Clinton launched Onward Together back in May with a series of tweets. For example:

According to its website, the group is “dedicated to advancing the vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election.”

In early May, Clinton identified herself as part of “the resistance.”

In the four months since Hillary Clinton officially launched her new political group, Onward Together, the group has done little besides soliciting donations from Clinton supporters. (RELATED: Hillary’s New Political Group Pretty Much Only Asks For Cash)

The front page of Onward Together’s website still has just two tabs: one explaining the group’s mission and one asking supporters for donations.

When Clinton went public with her group on May 15, she said the group would be partnering with five left-wing political groups: Indivisible, Swing Left, Color of Change, Emerge America and Run for Something.

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