Man Self-Described As ‘Incel’ Charged For Plotting Mass Shooting Of Women In University Sororities

(Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Weibel Contributor
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A 21-year-old Ohio man was arrested and charged with one count of plotting a mass shooting of women in sororities at an Ohio university, in addition to possessing an illegal machine gun, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Tres Genco from Hillsboro, a self-described “incel,” or otherwise known as an “involuntary celibate” had allegedly plotted a mass shooting geared towards women in sororities at an Ohio university, according to a statement from the DOJ.

The incel movement is described as being an “online community,” which consists primarily of men who take their anger out on women because they feel “unjustly,” denied from having “sexual or romantic attention,” from women, according to the DOJ.

Genco allegedly created and “maintained” several profiles on a well known incel website from July 2019 until March 2020, where he not only wrote a post detailing how he had used a water gun filled with orange juice to spray “foids,” otherwise known as females. He compared his “extremely empowering action,” to that of the self-described incel, Elliot Rodger, who had sprayed college students with orange juice from a water gun prior to carrying out a mass shooting outside of a University of California sorority house in May 2014. (RELATED: Liberal Website Blames Elliot Rodger Shooting On ‘White Privilege’)

An investigation found that Genco had written a manifesto detailing how he was going to “slaughter” women due to “hatred, jealousy and revenge.” Additionally, law enforcement also found a note which detailed that Genco was hoping to kill about “3,000 people,” according to the DOJ statement.

In addition to being charged with plotting an attempted murder, Genco was also charged with one count of being in possession of an illegal machine gun.

In March, another self-described incel, 28-year-old Alek Minnasian was found guilty of 26 counts of first degree murder, along with attempted murder after he drove a van into pedestrians April 23, 2018 in Toronto, Canada.