
‘How Sick Is That?’: Kayleigh McEnany Says VP Harris Is Silent On Afghanistan Because ‘She Wants To Be President In 3 1/2 Years’

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Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday that Vice President Kamala Harris was ignoring Afghanistan for political reasons.

McEnany said on “Outnumbered” that Harris did not want her name associated with the chaotic scene in Afghanistan — as the Taliban took control of the country – because she wanted to be president in three and a half years. (RELATED: ‘I Don’t Really Care Whether The President Wants To Talk With Me’: Democratic Congressman Calls On Biden To Get Allies Out ASAP)


Co-host Shannon Bream began the segment by talking about the desperate plight facing many women in Afghanistan as the Taliban took control. Bream said some were resorting to attempting to hand their babies over the fence to people already inside the airport, who might be able to get out.

“If we are going to be champions here in this country of women’s rights across the political spectrum of left, right, and center, we have to — every vote — and our first female vice president has to stand up and be in the forefront of this,” Bream said.

Co-host Emily Compagno agreed, pointing back to Harris’ campaign.

“While she was campaigning for president, she said, ‘Let women make decisions about their own lives.’ No woman Afghanistan will ever be able to make their don’t make a decision about their own life as long as the Taliban is in power,” Compagno said. “And in her victory speech, she told all of us, ‘Let every girl watching know that this is a country of possibilities.’ Well the United States might be, but Afghanistan no longer is. And her silence right now is deafening.”

McEnany rounded out the discussion, saying that Harris was avoiding any connection with what was happening in Afghanistan for political reasons

“Why is she absent on Afghanistan? You’re right, she’s made those statements Emily. She’s absent because she touted ‘I was a last person in the room with President Biden when the decision was made to get out of Afghanistan,'” McEnany said. “She was instrumental in the decision. Her silence means that she does not want to be attached to this crumbling, because, guess what, she wants to be president in three and a half years. This is about power and how sick is that, as women as Shannon said, put their babies over fences — how hard of a decision that must be.”