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Is Bingo a Lottery or Casino Game?

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Defining bingo concerning either lottery or casino games alone is tricky. The game has been around for centuries and has evolved to what it is today and with the introduction of online gambling, there are various versions of it players have access to. 

Bingo has been played by families, at social events, in bingo halls and now, online casinos. Let’s define bingo and find out why it’s unclear whether it’s a casino or lottery game.

What Is Bingo?

Some bingo sites have a bingo category in the casino games section, while others place it under lottery games. This may be where the confusion stems from. Bingo is a numbers game where players cross out numbers from their tickets. To cross out a number, it needs to be called out from the randomly chosen numbers by a bingo instructor. 

If you’re the first person to have all the numbers on your ticket crossed out, then “Bingo!”, you’re the winner.

From this definition, you can see why people would refer to it as a lottery game. However, with all the different versions and their availability in online casinos today, it also makes sense for it to be referred to as a casino game.

Why Bingo Is Considered a Lottery Game

Bingo is believed to have been invented by the Italians in the 1500s. It was referred to as Le Lotto, which means lottery. However, it began to spread out to other parts of Europe and was played by families and at social events where the focus was more on entertainment than raising money through ticket sales. 

This was until the popularity of bingo halls rose, where people would buy bingo tickets with the hope of winning to get all of their numbers called out and win. The licensing and regulation of bingo games, like lottery games, helped in raising funds to finance governments. However, it instilled that element of gambling.

Why Bingo Is Considered a Casino Game

Bingo can bring that thrilling entertainment and the edge to want to play again as many casino games do. Though the way the game is played is very similar to the lottery, players can increase their stakes and increase their chances of winning. How can they do that?

In bingo, you have no control over the number that’ll be called out and the numbers appearing on your ticket. However, by increasing your stake, which means purchasing more tickets, you’re increasing your likelihood of winning.

Also, the element of prizes that are rewarded to the winner makes it a casino game because you’re gambling. This means putting something of value at risk to get something of value in return. That’s what casino games are all about.

Enjoy Online Bingo Games

It doesn’t matter whether you’re considering bingo a casino, lottery, or just a game played by old ladies. The main takeaway is that bingo is a fun game enjoyed by many, so no matter which type of games you normally prefer playing, bingo will definitely be worth checking out. 

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