
According To NPR, Not Watching Porn Means You Could Be A Terrorist


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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An article published Sunday by NPR suggested that men who don’t watch porn could also be terrorists.

Apparently not watching internet pornography, which often features underage girls and victims of sex trafficking, can “endorse inaccurate medical information, exacerbate mental health problems and, in some cases, overlap with extremist and hate groups,” NPR wrote, citing researchers and sex therapists who don’t like “online communities” who promote an anti-porn lifestyle.

And pornography is just a “complicated topic” for NPR. Those who oppose it include religious individuals and people who don’t like the “sexist or racist tropes” and “concerns about working conditions in the industry.” Doesn’t this feel like a nice way of saying that people who don’t like watching the sexual exploitation of their fellow humans are just sexists, racist, religious nuts?

“Others still, including many in masturbation abstinence communities, say they worry about the impact of porn on human relationships or psychology,” NPR continued. Again, this is a legitimate concern. Pornography warps the mind of the user into a place of unrealistic sexual expectations, and normalizes many behaviors that aren’t common in real-world sexual relationships.

While much of the rest of the piece essentially describes how one website, NoFap, has helped countless men overcome their pornography addictions through masturbation abstinence and other practices and support groups, NPR clearly thinks these men are all crazy.

But is it crazy to want a healthy sexual relationship with a loving partner? Is it crazy to think the sexual exploitation of men, women, boys, and girls is wrong? (RELATED: NPR Says It’s A Conspiracy Theory That Globalists Want Us To Eat Bugs, Despite Them Repeatedly Telling Us To Eat Bugs)

And who TF does NPR think they are? I never thought I’d see the day when a publicly-funded media company shamed its backers (the tax-payer) for their personal, private sex lives, which literally hurt no one.