
‘Crushing Americans’: Fox Host Slams Biden’s Economy, Says He’s Been ‘Best President’ For Wealthy People

[Screenshot/Fox News/"Hannity"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Fox Business host Charles Payne slammed President Joe Biden on Wednesday over the U.S.’ economic issues, stating he’s only been the “best president” for wealthy people within the country.

Payne appeared on “Hannity” to discuss Biden’s recent dismissal of worries about the U.S. economy during an interview with CNN. Fox News host Sean Hannity questioned Payne on the recent polls on how voters are feeling regarding the issue, as well as remaining inflation. Payne not only called out the “political ploy” of Biden’s solution following COVID-19 but stated that the money he used during the time benefitted the “top 1%.”  (RELATED: Soaring Inflation Sends Support For Biden’s Economic Agenda Even Lower: POLL)

“Not only is the economy not great, but it is 100% Joe Biden’s fault. Now we had a little bit of inflation pressure with the whole supply chain thing. But everything had settled down when they forced that $1.9 trillion to ostensibly help with COVID. The fact of the matter is they were trying a political ploy of just dumping a bunch of money into the economy,” Payne stated.

“Here’s the real deal, that money always gravitates to the top 1%. People get it, they go out and spend it — they’re supposed to go spend it, that’s why the government sends it to them. Eventually, the billionaires get even richer. He can rail all he wants about the billionaires, but President Biden has been the best president in the history of America for wealthy folks. If the robber barons were around right now they would erect a statue of him.”

“Now this inflation thing is hideous, because a lot of times in the media they talk about inflation coming down. It has not come down — the rate of growth has moderated, but if you compounded it it’s a straight rocket ship — straight up —and it’s crushing Americans, and it’s crushing the American dream. We found out yesterday about delinquency on the rise, big time, and hurting young Americans more than anyone else, and certainly homemakers — people with kids,” Payne continued.

“Today we’ve got the retail sales number — unmitigated disaster here. We had to spend a lot of money at the gas station, a lot of money on food, nothing left for anything else. We got the CPI report — it was still too hot, it’s still too hot and it’s not going away anytime soon. In the meantime though, that $2.1 trillion in so-called excess savings from the stimulus program, according to the San Francisco Fed, is now minus $72 billion. So all of that money is gone, it’s gone to the rich folks out there, and the only thing most Americans have left may be a t-shirt that says I’m still surviving President Biden’s generous $1.9 trillion.”

During his interview with CNN, Biden was questioned on his trail behind former President Donald Trump regarding the economy, which had become a top issue for voters come November. Biden, however, pushed back against the question stating that the data has not only been “wrong all along,” but claimed people are “personally in good shape.”

“We’ve already turned it around…the polling data has been wrong all along,” Biden told the outlet. “They think the nation’s not in good shape, but they’re personally in good shape.”

Within a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll, data shows that both the economy and rising prices due to inflation are top concerns for voters, each hitting over 80% when asked how important each issue will be when deciding a candidate for November. Within a CNN poll conducted by SSRS last month, Biden held a 34% approval rating for his economy and 29% for inflation, data shows. Additionally, 70% stated within the survey that the economic conditions in the U.S. are poor, with 53% stating that they are dissatisfied with their personal financial situation.